Sound Healing
in Toronto and online via ZOOM
Sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, and intuitive singing to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. Ideally, a hypnotic, meditative or theta brainwave state is created which allows access to deeper levels of inner wisdom and healing.
Benefits of Sound Healing
Reduce stress and relief through deep relaxation and endorphin release
Accelerate the healing process
Increased sleep quality and sense of calm
Alleviation from anxiety
Bring release to emotional imbalance
Remove blockages and facilitate free flow of energy channels – meridians, nerves, & blood vessels
How does sound healing work?
Sound healing based on the principles of resonance and vibrational medicine operates on the concept that everything in the universe, including our bodies, has a natural vibrational frequency. When these frequencies are in harmony, the body is in a state of health and balance. On the other hand, when there is disharmony or dissonance in our body, it can lead to physical, mental, or emotional imbalances. Sound healing aims to restore this harmony and balance using different instruments and intuitive singing.
What can you expect in a 1-on-1 sound healing session?
In a one-on-one sound healing session, you will receive a personalized and immersive experience. We will start the session with breathwork and guided meditation to ground into the healing space and relax your body and mind. I utilize different instruments intuitively during the session, including crystal singing bowl, Tibetan bowls, tongue drum, tuning forks, chimes, and harp. The instruments are sounded around the body, above the body, and played on the body so the vibrations can be deeply felt. The session will close with an intuitive singing and humming that is channeled specifically for each person.
The experience of sound healing varies between people. Some people fall into a trance state, some may fall asleep, and some may even have profound emotional or spiritual experiences. Sound healing can sometimes bring up emotions or memories, leading to emotional release. Some people may feel shifts in their energy, a sense of balance, or alignment. This can be accompanied by a feeling of lightness or clarity.
The entire sound healing session takes approximately 60 minutes, including an intake process at the beginning, 40 minutes of Sound healing, and a discussion at the end of the session.
My Sound Healing Youtube Channel
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
Wear comfortable clothing so that you are able to lie down comfortably.
Avoid eating a heavy meal beforehand, as you don’t want all of your body’s energy to be directed toward digesting.
Stay hydrated. It’s a good idea to avoid alcohol, caffeine or recreational drugs before the session.
Be open and have no expectation. Trust that you will receive exactly what you need in that moment.
Set an intention for your session. What do you want to heal? What are you ready to release? What are you ready to manifest? We will discuss them at the beginning of the session.
Notice any changes in your physical body. How do you feel? Do you experience any release of tension in your body? How does your breath flow?
Journal about your session and make notes of how you felt. What channeled messages resonate with you? What changes do you want to make?
Meditate to continue achieving peace and calmness within your body, mind and soul. Practice visualization to envision the change and the future you would like to achieve.
Get some good rest. During sleep, your body undergoes a number of changes that enable healing and restoration.
Feel free to reach out to me with questions via email!
The number of sessions needed varies from person to person. Some people may experience benefits after a single session, while others may require multiple sessions to achieve their desired outcomes.